We hope that these questions and answers help our users understand the way the Online Resource Library functions and gives our users tips and tricks on how to use this tool.
The Online Library, also known as the Hive, is a collection of learning resources. Resources are centralized, organized and easily accessible to all United for Literacy programming staff and volunteers. All resources in the Hive are provided by staff members, including resources they have created themselves. We hope this tool will help you improve your own literacy skills or provide you with great ideas for supporting your learners from coast to coast to coast.
Currently, the Online Library is available for United for Literacy staff and volunteers. Eventually, we are hoping to provide access to parts of the library to the general public.
Step 1 – Contact us at [email protected] to receive the registration link. (Please do not share this link.)
Step 2 – Fill out all the information.
Step 3 – We will enable you as a user and send you an automated email.
Step 4 – Once you receive the automated email, please follow the instructions to complete your registration.
This information helps us see how the Online Library is being used by staff and volunteers in different regions. This will help us improve the library over time.
Go to unitedforliteracy.ca, click on “login” in the top right corner and type in your email and password.
Hover the cursor over your name in the top right corner of the page and click on “Manage Profile”. You can change your first name, last name and province yourself. You can also change your password. However, if you would like to update your email address, you will need to contact us by email at [email protected]. We need to update your email address manually on the back end for security reasons.
You can like a resource by clicking on the heart which will become shaded. To see your list of “Favourites”, hover the cursor over your name in the top right corner of the page and click on “Favourites”.
Yes. Hover the cursor over your name in the top right corner of the page and click on “Manage Profile”. Scroll down to “Language Preference”, click on French and “save”. The system will switch over to our French library. (Please note that the interface will be all in French.) If you do not speak French and need help navigating the library in French, reach out to us by email at [email protected] and we will assist you.
Since the Online Library is a national tool and is meant to support all our staff and volunteers across the country, we came up with a broad list of subjects, which are able to cover all types of literacy.
You can do your searches using keywords, subjects, grades, individual/collections toggle or a combination of all four features. The more general your keyword search and the fewer criteria you choose, the more options you will see in your list of results.
Special note on keywords:
Start with a specific search and then try a more general related search.
Example 1: specific search: “cyber security”; more general related search: “computer skills”. Example 2: specific search: “trapezoid”; more general related search: “geometry”.
Click on “Clear Filters” under the “Search” button to erase all your search criteria.
On the left of the search bar, you will see the “Individual/Collections” toggle. “Individual” means that you are looking at resources which stand-alone. In other words, they can be used individually and are not part of any program or curriculum. “Collections” is simply another way that we organize our resources. “Collections” includes resources which are bundled together because they have a unifying theme (ex. programs, curriculums, lessons plans or documents which were created together or which go together).
URLs, Word, PDF, PowerPoint and images. URLs will open in another tab. PDFs will open in another tab or download, depending on your computer's configuration. Word, PowerPoint and images will download to your computer.